I will say this the huge Channel cats shown on the IN-FISHERMAN video tapes are mostly from the Red River area of Lockport Manitoba. One of the tapes includes Stu McKay the owner of Cats On The Red. He is also a fishing guide and has lodge rooms he rents as well as boats. He will treat you right in all his dealings. I strongly believe that stretch of river holds the largest concentration of huge Channel cats in North America.

Lockport is about 20 miles north of the Winnipeg airport. It takes on about about 30 mins. in a car you can rent at the airport. The highway is expressway for about 10 mile and a good 2 lane highway until the last mile. then it become more of a residential street to Stu's place.

Buy the Conservation license for it is about half the regular license. That is a catch and release of all catfish caught. So by all means take your camera to take photos of these cats as proof. Your pals back home will belive your stories after they see the pictures but not before.

You have to use barbless hooks up there and can only fish 1 pole at a time! Take plenty of hooks 2/0 - 4/0 flat sinkers 2-3 ozs. Take some slip bobbers. 20-30lb test line should do the job. A rod with some backbone to help hold the fish in the strong current.

The best bait up there is cut Goldeye. the problem is you have to catch them yourself. they CAN NOT be bought at any bait store for it is use for food up there. They can be caught like skipjacks a jig or curly tail or piece of night crawler with a bobber. There is a limit of 10 per day allowed. That should provide you with plenty of bait for the day.

Shrimp comes in a good 2nd choice. It is on the exspensive side and is cheaper when purchased at the supermarket in Selkirk. Selkirk is a small town about 4 mile North of Stu's place. You can load up on supplies of food and whatever drinks you need in Selkirk as well.

The river is shallow by the dam to about 1 mile north of Stu's place. The deepest spot is only 8ft. in that area. That is really the main reason you can land those big cats for they can not go deep at all. The current is very strong It really can wear your arms out trying to bring in a 20lb cat with such a strong current. I suggest taking some Bengay rub and aspirin to releive the sore muscels you will get from fighting those cats. Stu's boat seats if he has any left are not great for support of the back either.

If you are going to be up there more than 3 days I suggest fishing at a steady pace. Fish from around sun rise till around noon. rest up till around 4p.m. Go back out and fish till dark. Stu's boats do not have running lights so they have to be back at the dock by dark.

I hope this has been of some help to anyone thinking about a trip for the BEST Channel cat fishing experience going. For more information contact Stu & Dianna McKay at "Cats on the Red". Phone 204-757-9876 for rates on the lodge rooms and boat rental etc. The lodge rooms have 2 bedrooms with shower, coffe maker, small refrigerator and t.v. Fishing season opens around the 3rd week of May.

YOU can get a head start on catching some CATFISH by reading this informative Kindle e-book. Just CLICK on the photo and it will connect you to the Amazon book store! So check it out, it cost less than a dozen night crawlers at the bait shop.


MY Red River Monster!!

for info on my trip of May 20-26 2000
Trip Of a Lifetime

The 2nd annual "Cats On the Red Catfish Classic" tournament at Lockport Manitoba was held Aug 19th & 20th 2000.
My 1st catfish tournament

UPDATED 09-28-15

Email: mail box